Saturday, July 7, 2012

Alternatives to Police

As we have seen since time immemorial, and during the ongoing Civil Rights movement and "Occupy" gatherings, the people who hold the majority of the wealth direct the use of various police agencies to oppress non-white communities, people of low-income, and dissenters across generations.
So... what're you going to do about it?
You got it! REPLACE them with something less likely to be used by the process of Fascism!

"Alternatives to Police" from "Rose City Copwatch"
As we work to eliminate or radically change police institutions we must also work to support and build liberatory alternatives to the police. Since 2003, Rose City Copwatch has promoted discussion about alternatives to the police. In 2007 we spent time learning about historical and ongoing alternatives to the police. In 2008 we drafted the Alternatives to Police booklet based on what we learned. This zine is a compilation of case-studies on alternatives to cops. The booklet focuses on projects that don’t collaborate with the state or court system in any way. A long bibliography for further reading is also included. 
Click here to download the booklet, formated for online viewing []. 
Click here to download a scanned copy of the booklet, formatted for booklet printing [].
Contact us!
phone: 503.715.1409
post: PO Box 12353, Portland, OR, 97202

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