Notes from JB Tucker, investigative journalist, are noted by the yellow square, and are produced below the individual pages. Links to all sections of the complete report at [link].

Note by JB for Sonoma County DA Report Appendix D pg. 7:
Can you hold a replica the same way you hold a 10.5 pound real weapon? The replica may have the appearance of a real weapon but the appearance will be obviously different from the way you hold it, especially to somebody who has held one before.

Note by JB for Sonoma County DA Report Appendix D pg. 8:
This expert should spend more time on Heisenberg's "Uncertainty Principle," "impossibility" theorems, and "Ockham's Razor" than St. Augustine and Descarte, especially because Augustine is applicable to Roman law (Napoleonic Code) system and not necessarily to Anglo Saxon common law systems of justice. He should also consider whether Descarte's cogito ergo sum is more relevant than Jose Ortega y Gasset's "I live therefore I think."

Note by JB for Sonoma County DA Report Appendix D pg. 11:
This whole matter would have more light shown on it if somebody had bothered to do a re-enactment at the scene with Andy Lopez size similar age males holding the replica and a real AK 47 as well as people watching those behaviors from the area and similar circumstance as Gelhaus and Schemmel. If these re-enactments weren't done it is nonthing short of investigative and forensic malpractice.

Note by JB for Sonoma County DA Report Appendix D pg. 12:
Have you or anybody else who actually spoke with Gelhaus TESTED in detecting deception in an interview? I am. I got 8 out of 9 correct in a blind test by the late Dr. Maureen O'Sullivan of the University of San Francisco.

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